Shutter Eyes was the first concept I wrote in October of 2017 about a camera that can see into another dimension. The story has since evolved into a continuation of the original The Invaders television show from the sixties.
“The idea originally came to me after watching
Ed Wood and They Live in the same day.”
“I wanted to make a movie using only what I had, which was a
old BMPCC and the Canon XF100 night-vision camera I used filming the The R.I.P. Files.”
Shutter Eyes was the catalyst in my own personal growth as a screenwriter. I went through seven re-writes working with Jimmy George the “Script Butcher”. He was my teacher and guide to becoming a better storyteller. This was my first script coming in at twenty-two pages.
It wasn’t until 2019, that Jordan B. Nice, Steve Zilberman and myself went to Amboy Crater and finally filmed something. So we filmed the opening and closing sequences. I never did film the rest of it, because that would have required more actors and money I didn’t have so it felt impossible. What I ended up doing was making a trailer using what I had shot. And by this point I was already writing A Staircase In the Woods — My first attempt at writing a full feature length script.